пятница, 25 сентября 2009 г.

How to make Russian do what you want? Imperative mood

Below, I posted an instruction for making tea. The bolded words have an imperative mood. This's a form, that tells you: do it (please)!

How to make it?
Купить - купи - купите - to buy - buy! (talking to a person you know well) - buy! (a polite form using in talking with a person you're not close to, or to a group of people)

-ть from an infinitive goes away!

Купить - ть = купи + (те)
Переводить - переводи - переводите (to translate - translate! - translate!)

Now look at this: дать - ть = да + й + (те)
A always folowed by Й :
Дать - дай - дайте (to give - give me! - give me!)
Читать - читай - читайте (to read - read! - read!)

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