Пятёрочка is a chain of budget food stores in Russia. But what does its name means?
1 - один
2 - два
3 - три
4 - четыре
5 - пять
In school we have 5 marks system, and 5 (пять) is the best mark.
Pupils normally call marks not just - три, четыре, пять, but - тройка, четвёрка, пятёрка. The same happened, when it comes about money - 5 rub coins informally called пятёрка, 10 rub - десятка и т.д.
So, пятёрка - "the best mark" and "a 5 rubles coin" in the same time.
But shop's name isn't just Пятёрка, it's Пятёрочка.
What's -очк? Анечка, сумочка, шапочка, Ирочка - oчк suffix means "small, neat, tiny and lovely".
So, Пятёрочка is more lovely, than just Пятёрка.
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