среда, 19 августа 2009 г.
Лиза любит Москву / Liza loves Moscow
and faster:
Лиза - It’s a girl’s name. Feminine nouns have a or я in the end. Masculine ones ends on a consonant and neutral (something in between feminine and masculine) have o or e in the end. Notice, that unanimated nouns also have gender!
Because Лиза is a subject (subject is what or whom a sentence is about), we use infinitive form.
The infinitive form of the verb "to love" is любить. It changes its ending, while we start to talk about ourselfes or our friend or friends.
1. я люблю (I love)
2. ты любишь (you love)
3. он, она любит (he/she loves) (there’s no difference, who’s in love – a man or a woman, in any case use любит)
4. мы любим (we love)
5. вы любите (you (for several persons) love)
6. они любят (they love)
To be honest, the name of my city is Москва. But when we say we love it, it changes it ending to “y” in pleasure – Москву. That form calls Accusative case. A noun needs it, while it's an object of acting.
Now let's try to love something masculine (ending on a consonant)
Она любит Лондон
Я люблю чай
As you can see, masculine noun's ending doesn’t change
Neutral nouns don’t change their e or o in the end, too.
Лиза любит вино
Ok. It's time to practise now.
Which are feminine, masculine and neutral? Group the nouns by their gender. Look at the ending!
Интернет, компьютер, чай, Россия, метро, Мария, Токио, мама, телефон, Лондон, машина, информация, дом, жена, паспорт, окно, билет, сын, страна, проблема, воскресенье, цена, самолет, упражнение, магазин, аэропорт, вода, солнце.
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